Welcome to Windows Update Restored!

Welcome to Windows Update Restored! This is a project dedicated to restoring the update functionality for Windows 95 up to Windows XP, with Automatic Updates as well. We actively work on the project and make improvements over time, which can be found in the news section at the bottom of this page.

In August of 2011, Microsoft shut down the Windows Update servers for Windows 95/NT4/98/Me/2000 (RTM, SP1 & SP2). This prevented legacy systems from getting updates and other software from Microsoft. Windows Update Restored has brought back those old websites, to give you the update experience of how it was back then!

The original Windows Update websites provided users with security (critical) updates, optional software updates, driver updates, and other types of software for your operating system. Windows Update Restored has revived all of these features, as well as the Automatic Updates feature and the Critical Update Notification Tool (Windows 98 to Windows XP). Want to learn more about what is available on Windows Update Restored? Read the Frequently Asked Questions.

This website is best viewed with a resolution of 800x600 pixels and required a minimum of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 to properly be displayed. Though, we recommend the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. To download various versions of Internet Explorer, visit the Internet Explorer Downloads page.

Every Windows Update website will require Internet Explorer (versions 4.0 to 6.0 to work, and won't work in any other browsers).

Where do you want to go today?
ArrowWindows Update V2

Feeling like using the earliest available version of the Windows Update website? Then try Windows Update Restored v2!
Compatible with Windows 95, NT 4.0, 98 First Edition
(All require Internet Explorer 4.0)!

ArrowWindows Update V3.1

Want to go classic and experience Windows Update like it's 1999? Then try Windows Update Restored v3.1!
Compatible with Windows 95, NT 4.0, 98 First Edition & Second Edition, Millennium Edition, and 2000
(SP2 and below)!

ArrowWindows Update V4

Want to relive the early 2000s Windows Update experience with the look and feel of Windows XP? Then try Windows Update Restored v4!
Compatible with Windows 98 First & Second Edition, Millennium Edition, 2000, XP (SP2 x86 & x64 and below), and Server 2003
(SP1 x86 & x64 and below)!

ArrowWindows Update V5

Didn't get the chance to try Windows Update V5 back in 2004? Now you can with Windows Update Restored v5!
Compatible with Windows 2000 (SP3+), XP, and Server 2003 (x86 and x64 included)!
Warning! System modifications are required for Windows Update Restored v5 to work on your system. Visit our prerequisites page for more info.

Screenshots Gallery

Screenshot of Windows Update Restored v2 running in Internet Explorer 4 on Windows 98 First Edition.     Screenshot of Windows Update Restored v3 running in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows 2000.     Screenshot of Windows Update Restored v4 running in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP.     Screenshot of Windows Update Restored v5 running in Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP.

Community Links
ArrowMSFN Forum

Want to visit the forum where Windows Update Restored began? Check out our MSFN Forum!
Check out our MSFN Forum with the link above.

ArrowDiscord Server

Want to view what's new with Windows Update Restored and or get live assistance from the Windows Update Restored Team? Join our Discord Server!
Join our Discord server with the link above.


This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Microsoft Corporation. This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. We don't believe anything should go wrong, but please ensure you have backups of any important data anyway. The Windows Update websites offered here are unofficial. This project is for archival purposes only. Read the legal information page to learn more.

The use of Windows Update Restored doesn't mean that you should keep using older unsupported versions of Windows. Getting security updates for those old operating systems may not protect you in today's online world and against modern viruses. There are plenty of security holes in these operating systems and there's a reason why Microsoft took down the Windows Update websites for them. You should use a modern supported operating system like Windows 10, Windows 11, or even a Linux distribution. For further information, read the Frequently Asked Questions.

Windows Update Restored Team

Credits: @WULover, @WinFX, @TecAdam, @ByQuadCore (pause), @maile3241, @EZUser, @dtm22, @milleniumtech_it, @Lewis the dog, @gmkid, @ward201185 (inactive), @WInUpdateFanv3, @Dusan Vicic, @Ryujin, @theonegoofali

Other credits: Daniel Mysilvets (Windows Update Restored logo designer - v3.1 style), Signé JARB (Provided us with some Windows Service Packs)

All of this wouldn't be possible without The Wayback Machine, which preserved those old files, websites, and information that would otherwise be lost forever.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards this amazing project on MSFN, Discord, and more! Thank you for all the time spent getting each and every bit of this to work!

Windows Update Restored News!
Warning Icon Windows Update Restored and Legacy Update are merging!

That's one of the best news for Windows Update Restored. We're merging with Legacy Update! This does not mean the websites you love will be discontinued or moved from this domain. The "merge" (as we call it) is in fact a deep collaboration between both projects. Learn more on the Merge page.

Warning Icon New update for the Prerequisites Installer!

The Update 1.4 fixes a bunch of bugs found in the previous versions of the Prerequisites Installer. It mainly fixes the software crashing on first launch, the Legacy Update option not working and the Windows Update Agent not being installed. We fixed lots of other bugs as well, including the OS and architecture detection, which means that the Prerequisites Installer will be able to work on other XP-based systems, such as Windows Home Server! Learn more on the Prerequisites Installer download page.

Warning Icon New updates have been added to Windows Update Restored V4!

We have added new updates to Windows Update Restored V4 (Windows 98, Windows Me & Windows 2000) in English, and they will soon be added in multilanguage. It is normal if they do not appear on other languages than English for now. If you think you have the files for the language you want, please let us know on our Discord server or through email.