Yes, you heard it right! As of September 2024, Windows Update Restored and Legacy Update are merging together. You may ask why or how. Here are your answers.
- Firstly, what's "Legacy Update"? I've
never heard such name.
Well, you missed something (j/). Legacy Update is another awesome
project dedicated at restoring access to Windows Update for systems going
from Windows XP up to Windows 11 with the upcoming version 1.10 of the
software. They restore access to software updates using a similar way as our
Prerequisites Installer, but the website is not the same as ours (it uses a
modified Windows Update V6 interface to list updates). You can discover more
from them at
- If you both have your own way of
restoring access to Windows Update, why are you merging?
Even though both projects have their own way of restoring access to
Windows Update, merging would imply easier access to those patchers, as well
as a bigger community helping you with the issues you might encounter while
patching your system.
- What is the goal of such merge?
Both Legacy Update and Windows Update Restored are aimed at doing the
same thing, just in a different way. Merging together would make things
easier to manage and use for everyone, with a centralized place for all
legacy system software updates and resources. Merging would also grow a
single and great community concerning legacy updates.
- What is going to change once the merge
has been taken into account?
Well, for you (as an end-user), nothing much, except more links to each
place on both websites, and an easier way to find the resources you want.
Any more questions? Ask us on our Discord server!