Restore Access to Windows Update Restored v5
Article published: 05/12/2024

Windows Update Restored v5 does not work out of the box, and requires system modifications. Originally, you would have to manually apply patches that modify your Windows system in order for the Windows Update Restored v5 website to function. Since then, times have changed, and we have developed an automated tool called the Windows Update Restored v5 Prerequisites Installer. This tool completely automates the process of installing the required prerequisites to run Windows Update Restored v5 on your Windows system.

This only applies to Windows 2000 SP3/SP4, Windows XP x86 & x64, and Windows Server 2003 x86 & x64.
To download the Windows Update Restored v5 Prerequisites Installer, click here.

We are not responsible for anything that goes wrong to your system if an event like that were to occur. Please proceed at your own risk.

Follow the instructions below help you restore access to the Windows Update Restored v5 website.

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to install this patch. Click "Cancel" at any "Windows File Protection" popup windows that might appear on your screen when installing the patch.

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