Windows Update Restored Inventory Checker Tool

Published: February 13, 2025

The Windows Update Restored Inventory Checker Tool (made using Visual Basic 5.0) checks your system for original Windows Update V2/V3.1, V4 and Office Update inventories, and backs them up when needed. Download this tool now and help us save the original Windows Update experience!

We are not responsible for anything that goes wrong to your system if any destructive event was to occur. Please proceed at your own risk.

File Information

File name: wurinvchecker.exe

File size: 658 KB

Developer: WULover

Software version: v1.0.1 (Release)

Download server:

Digital signature: Signed on February 13, 2025 by

Additional information: This tool is contained in a self-extracting archive. The required DLLs are also bundled in that said archive, no extra runtime is required.

Download File

Download the wurinvchecker.exe file now!

Run this tool before using Windows Update Restored on the PC(s) you plan to check!

System Requirements

Operating Systems:

Languages: English - Works with every Windows language.

Visual Basic 5.0 runtime: Not needed


  1. Download the file from the above link.
  2. Run the WURInvChecker.exe file once downloaded. The file will act as a self-extracting archive, without any user inputs required.
  3. Now that the Checker Tool is launched, click on the "Check now!" button. The tool will then start checking your system for inventories. If it finds any, one, two or three buttons will appear at the top of the window, each button corresponding to a type of inventory. Click those buttons, review the list of files found, and hit "BACKUP INVENTORY NOW" to start the backup process. Once the backup has completed, navigate to driveletter\WUR_INV (assuming "driveletter" is your system's drive letter, e.g. "C:"). V2/V3.1 inventories will appear in this directory. V4 and Office Update inventories will appear in their respective directories, inside of the WUR_INV one (in "V4" and "OU" respectively). Once done for each type of inventory, send us the generated WUR_INV folder, and we'll see what we can do with it! :-D

    Please note: any file created after 2012 will not show up in the Detected Files list, and backup directories. If you think the tool did not backup important files, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can figure out the problem, and maybe save an inventory we were looking for!